3nity Dream (Part 1 of 3): Ilonggo 3nity set to be heard in Rockhampton City, Australia
It all started with a pop dream for Ilonggo 3nity, a vocal trio of independent Ilonggo music artists Reyn Callao, Sheila Barrios and Cherry Callao. They were managed and formed by rslphoenix music, a team of independent creative artists from Iloilo City, Philippines. Last April this year, Reyn caught the eye of the group and was convinced to record his first Ilonggo song “Seryoso” then followed by his cousin, Sheila Barrios with her song “Ginpalangga,.” Both singers wrote their songs with beats based from famous songs of Chris Brown and Rihanna, respectively. Later, Cherry Callao, the sister of Reyn came over and recorded her own song “Ikaw Guid Lang,” an Ilonggo song based from the beat of Tifanny’s 90s famous song. Under one independent management team, the three talented Ilonggo artists has decided to merge their voices to become Ilonggo 3nity and the recording of their first launching song “Badtrip,” an Ilonggo remake of Lady Gaga’s pop hit. Their songs are one by one released in selected FM radio stations in Iloilo and now, in Bacolod. Ilonggo 3nity are working side-by-side with Ilonggo rap groups SYK Unit and All Out Kingz for out-of-towns gigs and events.
In the last week of October this year, Cyril Calabio, a Filipino radio presentor for 93.5 FM Rockhampton Community Station in Rockhampton City, Australia sent a facebook message to Ilonggo 3nity expressing his interest with their song. He presented the idea to play the song of Ilonggo 3nity “Badtrip” since he has a lot of Filipino and Ilonggo listeners in his weekly program. He is hoping to capture their interest of his Kababayans who are living and working in Rockhampton City and some parts of Australia. He believes that presenting Filipino talents or Ilonggos in particular would make them feel close to their real home country. From 2008-2009, Calabio hosted a weekly Cable show about tourism in the Philippines and everything it has to offer for tourists. After a short while, he took a rest and was invited to host a weekly radio show at 93.5 FM Rockhampton Community Station where Filipinos and Australians are avid listeners.
Calabio’s passion for Filipino culture and his home country has put his life in Australia even more exciting, inspiring and self-fulfilling. He has been a born leader even when he was still living in Iloilo a few years ago. His achievements include being elected as President of Iloilo Jaycees in 2005. Now, he has made a life-changing decision to give local Filipino talents such as Ilonggo 3nity a chance to be heard and appreciated not only by their fellow Filipinos in Australia but by everyone who are fans of real talent and cool music.
On November 14, 2010, Calabio will play Ilonggo songs for the first on air starting with Ilonggo 3nity’s “Badtrip” and their respective solo singles such as “Bahala Ka Na” by Reyn Callao, “Sa Handum na Guid Lang” by Sheila Barrios and “Ikaw Guid Lang” by Cherry Callao.
Surely, it will become a big leap for Ilonggo music in the years to come.
(On the second of this part article, Calabio expressed his plans for Ilonggo 3nity)